Our experts answer your questions at 02 99 606 706


Reconcile agronomic performance and regulatory peace of mind

Are you looking for support to move towards a more autonomous, sustainable and profitable system? Do you want to maximise the potential of your soils, forage and crops? Or would you like support in drawing up your CAP, your provisional fertilisation plan, etc.?

Our team of 15 specialist agronomy advisors can adapt to your needs and put their experience and technical and regulatory expertise to work for you.

In 2021, more than 1,000 farm managers have trusted us to assist them with their technical and regulatory files, and within the framework of the actions proposed by the Watersheds, why not you?

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Forages and crops

Soils and agro-ecology


Phytosanitary treatment

Demande d'aides

Formation développer son autonomie fourragère

Eilyps offers you strategic and tailor-made support to develop the performance of your crop systems on the economic, agronomic, environmental, social and health aspects.

Optimising the fertility of your soils is the first step towards more autonomous systems for feeding livestock and more economical inputs.

Define your fertilisation strategy (types of fertiliser, stock, spreading, economics, etc.) based on the manure plan and make the most of your effluents.

To have the possibility of having a double advice: both strategic at the scale of your crop system to define together the axes of development, and specific on your technical itineraries to maximise your crop margins.


Optimise my CAP aid and ensure compliance with my MAEC commitments with a dedicated expert.

Why trust us?

Complementary expertise (building, system economics, veterinary, etc.)

Personalised approach

Responsiveness in case management

Certified know-how (Holder of the Certiphyto, DEXEL advisors, independent advice on plant protection products)

The Eilyps experts will accompany you

How to recognise and evaluate fertility indicators to adjust practices and increase soil potential?
Thibault BERNE, Market Manager Agronomy

Eilyps will help you discover mixtures of species for intercropping adapted to your soils in order to make the most of this key period. This year, 14 mixtures have been tested on our platform: between plant cover crops, catch crops and energy crops (CIVE).